Sunday, December 8, 2019

International Tourism National Aviation Policy

Question: Describe about the International Tourism for National Aviation Policy. Answer: Selection of Tourism Industry Sector The Tourism Industry of Australia is sketched on the wide landscape to promote the international business in a well defined manner. The market related to the tourism industry is expanding with a rapid speed and with this expansion, the demands of customers are also raising with the fast speed. To fulfill the demands of the customers and to provide the most stable facilities to them, the tourism industry is also framing the suitable blue print (Australia, 2012). The Tourism industry is categorized into various sections in which the Hotels, Airlines, Tours Operators, Cruise lines are becoming very common. These domains are not only helpful in providing assistance to the domestic customers, but by these industries, the international customers are also getting suitable profit. Due to these domains, not only the trading aspects are improving, but the potential to improve the industry is also booming simultaneously (Australian Trade Commission, 2014). The domain which is selected for the discussion of travel and tourism industry is named as the Airlines Services. Australia is offering wide range of luxurious Airlines services to local as well as international customers (Dolnicar, 2008). Apart from providing the travelling facilities to the customers, the airlines are also providing the wide range of other facilities to customers. On the local or domestic level, the customers or visitors are getting maximum facilities, but the international business is considered as the most motivating prospect to promote the business. So for the discussion of this report, the tourism generating region (TGR) is identified as Australia and for Tourism destination region (TDR), the country is identified as Singapore. The Singapore is most appreciated and highly skilled country, which helps in providing the suitable business assistance to the different countries for appropriate travelling and tour services. There are various airlines which are offered by Australia to earn the maximum profit on an international level. The Singapore is selected as the TDR because the country is identified as the most prominent and well versed tourist location where maximum tourist wants to visit (Tourism Australia Corporate Website, 2015). The major airlines which are identified in Australia are named as the Qantas, Virgin Blue, and Air North which helps in providing the assistance at the domestic and international level. This wide categorization will be helpful in providing multiple choices to the customers to avail the services. The international tourism potential of any industry is helpful in explaining the right strength and stability of the organization in a structured manner by the help of which, possibilities of structured approach may get widen on a large scale. The international tourism potential of aviation industry on both the hands (i.e. Australian and Singapore) is highly strong and well versed with various different types of services. The Singapore airlines signed a strong strategic approach and planning strategy with the Australian Airlines and defined a well-defined, planned, and structured approach to promote business of the Australian customers (Mundy, 2014). Apart from this, by a joint venture of both the countries, the customer is also provided with the greater opportunities on a wide level. The facilities of accommodation, sightseeing and visiting the major places of country along with the food related assistance is provided by the country due to the coordinated approach of both the organi zations in a suitably structured or framed manner (Clayton Hilz, 2015). The statistics and analytical report related to the organization clearly depicts that the tie up of both the Airlines with each other will be helpful in increasing the economic aspects of the organization in the definite manner. Other than this, the monetary and the financial aspects of the organization are also getting strengthened on the broad level. According to John O Sullivan, the Singapore aviation industry is considered as the long term standing partner and contributor of the aviation industry of Australia and also helps in providing the suitable assistance to the Australian industry on a large scale. The gross turnover of Australia is also increasing due to the services provided to the customers and the satisfaction of customers also increases simultaneously. The negative aspect of the mutual tie up or the expansion of the Australian aviation industry in Singapore is that the trade policies and the inbound trading system of the Singapore airlines is comparatively more complicated. There are various signing policies and the trading perspectives which should be followed by the specific country in an appropriate way. If the country fails in generating suitable aspects, then trade on the international level wont be possible (Sharma, 2013). Apart from this, the other drawback is initial investment which the Australian airlines have to do for the improvement or increment of international potential. This aspect is also risky because the chances of profit can only be analyzed when the smooth business runs between both the countries. If the negative factors are identified on the initial level, then it becomes easier to generate international trading policies of the organization in a correct way. Development/ Improvement Aspects The development or improvement aspects are identified as the most suitable way by which the existing structure get chances for the growth and most suitable output can also be achieved in the existing country. The above paragraphs clearly explained the most appropriate aspects related to the organization, but simultaneously the improvement in the existing international policies will be helpful in providing the most appropriate aspects related to the financial and the monetary aspects. As industry selected for the discussion is identified as the aviation industry, so it is essential to provide the facilities to the customers on an international level. Some of the major facilities are defined below with the help of suitable points, by which the developmental aspects or growth of an organization can become possible. The aviation industry of Australia can able to provide the most suitable packages to customers on the initial level. The deduction in fare in the peak season, availability of rooms and convinces along with the air tickets along with the availability of urgent tickets for the customers are some of the facilities which can be provided by the Australian government on international level. The major aim of the domain (i.e. Aviation industry) is to earn the maximum profit. The profit can only be earned when specific trading process and coordinated approach between the two countries can be maintained. So, before expanding the plan in an existing domain, the suitable strategic plan must be prepared which may further help in expanding the trade and also provide the suitable developmental aspects (Hurley Crowe, 2013). In the aviation industry, the major airlines of the Australia is Qantas. Specifically, Qantas is contributing in the development and increment in the international tourism potential. In Singapore, there are various sightseeing and visiting options available (ABC News, 2005). The Australian Airlines industry can also increase the international potential by improving the existing infrastructure of the Airport and flights. In fact, the improvement in boarding area and the availability of attending staff on Singapore Airport may be helpful in improving the international potential of the Australian aviation industry in the international market (The New York Times Company, 1992). The preparation of packages and designed structure for the Australian customers for Singapore can also assist in developing the international tourism related potential. The packages in different categories will be helpful in improving the existing aspects in context to the organization (Flynn, 2016). The package may be identified as economic, standard and luxurious. By this, the customers can select the packages as per their requirement and facilities may also improve simultaneously. According to the trade policies, the packages can also exclude the tax and can also provide apecial packages for the customers on holidays. By the help of this, not only the business gets promoted but the financial aspects will also get strengthened. The Airlines industry of Australia can also provide the facilities of guide or staff to the customers who are travelling through Australian Airlines for Singapore. This recruitment of staff from Australian Aviation sector proved as link between Australia and Singapore. They can able to provide assistance to the Australian customers to visit the major areas of Singapore. This will boost in increasing the level of comfort for the customers and the chances for improvement of Aviation industry may also increase simultaneously (Stange, Brown, International, 2012). The developmental aspects can only be improved when a coordinated approach between both the countries can be identified. The equal contribution in the developmental factors may be helpful in promoting the business of tourism in a suitable way. The comparative composition of Australian aviation industry with the other countries aviation industry is defined below with the help of chart presentation. This chart assists in showing the current contribution (Kain Webb, 2003). Apart from this, another chart is also displayed which is helpful in displaying the future forecasting of the aviation industry which could be obtained after following the suitable recommendations. The second comparative chart with the future forecasting is shown below which helps in defining the future prediction on a wide range. Other than this, the international potential for tourism industry is also identified by this chart. Designing of Proposal The aviation industry is changing with a rapid speed. With these changes, the demands and requirements related to the aviation industry are also expanding in a fast manner. The aviation sector of the tourism industry in Australia not only contributes in promoting the tourism, but by this, the financial perspectives of the country are also improving with the rapid rate. There are different type of aviation industries provided by Australia, which have their different working and strategic approach. Apart from this, these organizations also have different contribution in the financial and monetary aspects of the organization (Hooper Van Zyl, 2011). The statistics shows standardized growth of tourism industry from December 1995 to the year 2015. In this growth graph, the marvelous growth structure of the aviation industry is shown in which the organization make a profit of about 22.4 million from 9.3 million (Gdayusa Team, 2016). This growth in tourism sector is outstanding and promotes promising aspects for the aviation industry. But, this growth is not sufficient as to be stable in market and to be confident team player, it is essential to promote business. For promoting the business, it is essential to design a proposal for the industry and new market activity needs to be introduced on the initial level (Delarue Zaru, 2015). To develop the concept of new product in market or to introduce the current activity, some of the major concepts are designed so that the existing business can grow in a wide mode. The first activity which can be introduced is related to the introduction of the stakeholders and alliance on the international level. By introducing such concept on the international level, the share values of the existing industry will increase and simultaneously, the customer satisfaction will also increase. The level of facilities which are provided to the customers will also increase with rapid rate and more attractive options are provided to the customers (Tourism, 2015). Apart from this, another option is related to the introduction of the partnerships and suitable campaign. This method is also helpful in promoting the trade on the international level. Australian Airlines is also engaged in such kind of ventures. By these campaigns, not only the developmental aspects of the organization improves, but by this, the international potential of the trade will also increase. As Singapore is identified as the most prominent place for visiting and sight-seeing, so by promoting the travelling aspects of Singapore, the Australian Aviation industry can able to achieve the successful targets. In fact, the research also shows that the mutual mergers and acquisition among these countries may be helpful in providing the most suitable aspects for an improvement. The new activities are also launched with the help of this option (Australian Government, 2009). The signing of service agreement for better service providing aspects is also essential to be defined. By this, the expansion chances of the aviation industry will get stronger and the multiple opportunities can also be found out with the help of the service agreements. There are various different types of treaties and agreements which can be introduced as latest activities (U.S. Department of transportation, 2016). The treaties can be approached in a differ manner like government, semi government and in private form. For managing these treaties, it is not possible that the amount can be released from one source, so for generating the specific amount, the shareholders are essential to be identified who can provide assistance to the users as per the requirement. By this, concept of international tourism can get improved with a rapid speed and the innovative approach can easily be introduced in market as well. These activities and new ventures will be helpful in establishing the strong identity of suitable aspects in Australia as well as in the host country which is Singapore. The suitable contributions of these activities are identified with the help of graph. This will help in showing the suitable ratio by which the activities are using in promoting the trade activities. Evaluation of existence of proposal As it is defined in the paragraphs above that the formation or designing of the research proposal is identified as the most tedious task. There are various phases through which this task can be completed. But, after implementing or proposing the proposal, it is also essential to find out the viability or the existence of the product. The actual concept is the evaluation aspects, through which the existence of product can be identified in a well- defined method. To check the major services and aspects provided by the Airlines industry on an international level (i.e. on the basis of Singapore), the viability of the proposal can be checked by the suitable research methods. The research process will be helpful in providing the practical aspects related to the proposal and the existence of report will also be generated thoroughly (Explorable Team, 2016). Some of the common methods which are identified for the research methods are shown below: - The personal interview is considered as the most suitable method by which the existence of proposal in the market and major aspects related to the proposal can be determined easily. The face to face interviews will provide the suitable assistance for the growth in a possible way and the possibilities of improvement will also increase simultaneously. Other than this, by preparation of questionnaire or the suitable surveys, the major demands of customers can easily be identified. The feedback reports are also identified as the major aspects by which the reviews can be generated by the customers. After availing services, the clients can easily able to provide their feedback either in rating format or in a descriptive manner. This will assist in promoting the major aspects related to the existing structure and the future forecasting of latest activities can also be identified easily. The chances of improvement may also increase simultaneously (Entrepreneur Media, Inc., 2016). The assessment of existing plan can be done by implementing the innovative methods of research of the market and research perspectives. By this, the basic idea of plan is identified and the customers can also able to define the major aspects related to the improvement in the services. The identification of competitiveness and the position of the services provided in the world class market can also be identified through the research. The competitive identification will be helpful in determining the existence of the proposal in the markets and criteria for improvement is also identified with the help of competition. By implementing all these aspects as per the requirement of customers on an international level, it will be helpful in improving the major research aspects in a correct manner. Apart from this, the personal views and recommendation of customers towards the proposal will also help in managing the international potential of Australian Airlines in Singapore (Pandey, 2011). Other than this, there are also some recommendations which can help in defining the growth perspectives of Airlines industry in Australia which are strategic planning, time to time identification of the changing requirement of customers, improvement in the packages as per the requirement of season and many other small recommendations are defined widely (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, 2016). The coordinated and focused approach towards the host country (i.e. Singapore) is also required. By this coordination, the Australian Airlines can able to understand the major requirements of Singapore clients and can prepare the proposal accordingly. The Singapore tourism should also define the major packages, so that the Australian clients can able to select the options as per their requirement. Though there are other methods also by which the existence of the proposal can be identified, but the above defined methods are more accurate and managed. These approaches or methods will assist in promoting the Airlines business on an international level. References ABC News. (2005, June 22). Singapore Airlines warms to Qantas merger. Singapore Airlines warms to Qantas merger. Retrieved from Australia, G. o. (2012). Understanding the Tourism Industry. Small business development corporation. Retrieved from Australian Government. (2009). National Aviation Policy. Commonwealth of Australia . Retrieved from Australian Trade Commission. (2014). Tourism research Australia. Australian Government. Retrieved from Clayton, E., Hilz, A. (2015). 2015 Aviation Trends. 2015 Aviation Trends. Retrieved from Delarue, L., Zaru, D. (2015). 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